
What is stroke | Everything you need to know about stroke.

Stroke, also called a stroke or stroke, is a sudden alteration in cerebral circulation in one or more of the blood vessels supplying the brain. Stroke interrupts the supply of oxygen to brain tissue and can cause serious damage. For anyone who has suffered a stroke, it is extremely important to restore normal circulation as soon as possible to limit damage to brain tissue. Although mortality from stroke was significantly reduced by about 90% in the 1950s, the number still hovers around 30% and stroke may soon be the most common cause of death worldwide. Of those who survive, about half remain permanently disabled and many experience recurrences within weeks, months or years. Causes and incidence A stroke results from an obstruction of a blood vessel, usually outside the brain, but sometimes inside the brain itself. Factors that increase the risk of stroke include a history of transient ischemic attacks, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, arrhythmias (especially at